Improved Local Anesthesia Outcomes for the Dental Professional

4 CEUs

Member: $109 Non-Member: $109


This CE course will provide the participant with an overview how to troubleshoot local anesthesia problems including how to choose the correct local anesthetic to give you best outcome. Information on how to prevent and manage both local and systemic complications that can arise from the administration of local anesthesia will also be covered. Open to all dental professionals. Provided by Middlesex Community College.

Debra November-Rider, RDH, MSDH

Online via Zoom

4 CEUs


Click Here or email [email protected]

Course Number: HLT 748-75


  • Describe basic troubleshooting principles.
  • Apply troubleshooting techniques for various maxillary and mandibular nerve block injections.
  • Assess causes for inadequate local anesthesia and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Implement strategies to troubleshoot inadequate or absence of local anesthesia.
  • Identify how to choose the safest and most effective local anesthetic for your patient.
  • Describe the different local complications that can arise from the administration of local anesthesia.
  • Identify the causes of adverse drug reactions (ADR) in the administration of local anesthesia.
  • Summarize all the causes of a local anesthetic overdose and how to prevent and manage it from occurring.

The Speakers

Debra November-Rider, RDH, MSDH, Course Director for Local Anesthesia Certification for Dental Hygienists at Middlesex Community College